If you are belong to a rural area or a geographical remote area (village) where there is no computer and internet availability or mostly absent and you suffered a lot.Then this article is very important for you and your Village's people.

To take over this problem "Government of India" has introduced a Multi-Server-Single-Point-Model facilities for multiple transactions and services at a single place in rural and sub-urban area.


In sort, CSC Digital service centre is a get started for accelerating the development in rural area.Today, CSC Seva Kendra has a large Pan India presence which provide many types of facility and services to the people of rural and Sub-urban area.

    What is CSC center or Digital Seva Kendra ?

    CSC stand for "Common Service Centre".It is a Centre located at every rural area and sub-urban area which provide various government's Digital Services easily to the people of a remote area. You can easily locate it on Google map or a government CSC portal.

    The full form of CSC is Common Services Centre, which provides digtial services to village and sub-urban area.

    Facilities provided by CSC centre or Digital Seva Kendra 

    CSC Centre provides various facilities such as:-

    1. Insurance Service:- Through registered CSC centre you can provides various types of insaurance services to your customers.

    2. Passport:- Through registered CSC centre you can provides facility to make passport of any Indian citizen.

    3. LIC policy:- Through registered CSC centre you can provides various types of LIC (Life Insaurance Policy) policy to your customer.

    4. Banking:- Through registered CSC centre you can provides various types of banking services to your customer.

    5. Pension services:- Through registered CSC centre you can provides various types of pension related schemes and services to your customer.

    6. Basic services:- Through registered CSC centre you can provides various types of digitals basics services to your customer.Such as mobile recharge, dth recharge, money transfer, and many more things. 

    7. Skill development:- Through registered CSC centre you can provides various types of  skill development services to your customer.Such as data typing, computer skills, excel sheets and many more things.

    8. Online payment:- Through registered CSC centre you can provides online payment services to your customer.

    9. Ticket booking:- Through registered CSC centre you can provides ticket booking services to your customer.

    10. Financial services:- Through registered CSC centre you can provides various types of finnancial services to your customer.

    11. Aadhar Card related services:- Through registered CSC centre you can also provides aadhaar related services to your customer.Such aadhaar enrollment, new pancard enrollment, and many more aadhaar related services.

    12. Health services:- Through registered CSC centre you can provides various types of health related services to your customer.

    13. EWS and Caste certificate:- Through registered CSC centre you are also eligible to make EWS and Caste certificate of your customer.

    14. Goverment scheme:- Through registered CSC centre you can also provides various types goverment schemes related services to your customer.

    15. Online Purchase:- Through registered CSC centre you can also provides the facilities of inline purchasing for your customer.

    How to apply for CSC centre registration ?

    After few years,Government of India also introduce CSC 2.0 scheme to expand the presence of CSC in India and participate VLE( Village Level Enterpreneurship ) which also encourage the Employment generation along with development in rural area and also in urban area.

    Before introduction of CSE 2.0 scheme,it was easy for anyone to get CSC registration certificate. But after this scheme government has updated the process of applying for a new CSC registration.In current applying process, you have to pass a test conducted on government CSC portal to get CSC licence. This test is conducted to certify the VLE by TEC (Telecentre Enterpreneur Certificate) certificate.

    The full form of TEC is "Telecentre Enterpreneur Certificate".The main aim of this certification is to check the basic knowledge of candidate for this job.To know more about it,then please click here.

    After passing the TEC test,which is very easy,you have to apply for new CSC digital seva kendra or new CSC centre.In order to get CSC kendre,you have to pass the TEC test.

    Types of CSC centre:-

    There are three types of CSS centre or Digital Seva Kendra are:-

    1. CSC VLE

    2. SHG(Self Help Group)

    3. RDD

    Here,we understand and learn only about CSC VLE and if you interested to know about other then please click over the given types of CSC.

    As we already know that the CSC 2.0 Scheme was launched under the "Digital India Programme" by the Government of India to provide digital facility to the people of rural and sub-urban area.

    Eligibility criteria for the new CSC VLE ID registration:-

    The applying candidates should have some eligibility criteria and mandatory documents before applying for new CSC VLE ID registration.

    1. The Applicant's age must be equal to or more than 18 years

    2. The Applicant should be citizen of same place and area.

    3. Minimum qualification is Class 10.(Marticulation Certificate).

    4. Adhaar Card

    5. Pan Card

    6. Registered Mobile Number. (RMN)

    7. Email

    8. TEC certificate

    9. Bank Account

    10 . Residential Certificate

    How to apply for new CSC VLE ID Registration:-

    1. Visit the official website of the Government CSC Portal i.e. www.csc.gov.in

    2. Click on “Interested to become a CSC” on the left side of the visited page.

    3. Click on Link given ” For CSC Registration, Click Here”

    4. Enter the Aadhar Number in the given box.

    5. After that choose the authentication Option from IRIS/ Finger Print/ One Time Password and then Click on “Proceed”.

    6. Applicant have to pass through OTP Process.

    7. Click on Generate OTP.

    (The Personal details of the applicant will automatically get filled from Aadhar card data. You don't need to fill other details. and the modification will not occur until change is not made in Aadhar card details.)

    8. Upload the Geo-tagged Image of Centers.

    9. Click on SUBMIT Option

    Track/Check the Status of CSC VLE Registration/ Application –

    1. Click the given link Here

    2. Enter the E- Mail, Registration ID and Aadhaar Number in Required boxes.

    3. Click on SUBMIT option.

    Digital Gramin Sewa kendra, csc center near me, csc aadhaar centre, csc centre registration, 


    I hope that you all are found some interesting and usefull information about CSC or Digital Seva Kendre and I am sure that it may be helpfull for you.The CSC centre are very usefull for remote and sub urban area because it helpfull and also an passive earning seeker to earn a good amount of money easily or quickly.It save time and efforts both together.

    If you feel that this article is interesting or helpfull to you then please share it with your friends and family.So,that they also get this article and it may be provide interest o help to them also.Share it by click the social media buttons given below.

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